Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Oh faithful Esims... come thee yonder
a mechanical finger
looking, praying,
coming back to linger
and yet it blinks at me
with unforgiving eyes
my email is empty
it does not lie
The grad schools laugh
at my measly GPA
whilst I drink
my worries far away
Maybe, soon a sign will come
of grades to be...
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Hello? Can you hear me now?
The gamut of what is classified as “disaster” runs wide. The interpersonal hell of a couple divorcing is a type of disaster seeing an unwelcome growth. The unspeakable horrors of genocide fall on the larger scale of disaster. A semester of abysmal grades, the death of a family member, a terrorist attack, paella gone terribly wrong… In the aftermath of disasters we ask ourselves What Went Wrong?
Questioned big wigs about who, and what was responsible for the ultimate fail to respond in a time of need, a need for action. And as stated by David Brooks the "human storm" – brought with it the recriminations, the political conflict and the battle over compensation.
Yet even as I sit and listen to the video’s message and read the scholarly writings that seek so vehemently to discover to true cause of the disaster, one word speaks volumes while the rest fall upon deaf ears.
Interoperability speaks to the need for people to be able to effectively communicate, to operate between bureaucracies. Something that was severally lacking within the agencies responsible for the clean up for Hurricane Katrina and the delivery of help to desperate people. While these agencies sat back bickering and placing blame on each other, people continued to die. So while the fingers for the cause of this disaster can be pointed at nature, at a lack of infrastructure, at an overriding racist mentality, or any other convenient reasons offered, the reason for what went wrong at the crucial hour was in fact the lack of interoperability between everyone involved.
We’ve long discussed digital communications both in our class and in our society, yet in a classic example, composed of the usual suspects, those same forms of communications did little to produce action. Along with a greater sense of preparedness there needs to be a more efficient way for government agencies to a) interact and b) get things accomplished. Without it, it’s like playing a game of broken telephone. One says “Guys, please help. Our phones have no service and our homes are flooded” and the other hears… “Our guys are being serviced, and I’m getting it all on my phone.”
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Singing the New Orleans Blues...
While cultural influences played huge roles in the formation of the New Orleans as we know it today, the geographical location and circumstances ultimately molded the city into its present state. Built by the Mississippi river’s sediment deposits, the city historical patterns of growth were based on differences in elevation and the relative proximity to both commerce and danger. Even though New Orleans is geographically magnificent in terms of trade the actual site of the city is located in a dangerous and precarious environment. Flooding has been a constant threat to its existence.
After the failed attempts of reconstruction, the status of blacks was again reverted to inferior levels and as with other cities in America the most dangerous and economically unfortunate areas were designated to blacks. While the country was fighting for civil rights, white flight was taking place in a constant flow, unlike that of the Mississippi itself. Middle class whites moved out into the suburbs at alarming rates. Blacks who previously held prestigious positions as doctors, lawyers, and politicians were startled to find that their city was now in a perilous fight. A fight up against the prejudices and discrimination of the times as well as the formation of ghettos, the crack-cocaine epidemic, and influx of crime. With poverty rates sky rocketing, segregation was at an all time high encompassing at least two of the indexes (dissimilarity and isolation). A similar tune is heard over many cities across America, one that sings of inequality, disadvantages, and a history of discrimination.
It is with these realities of life in New Orleans that discourse about Hurricane Katrina must stem from. While the hurricane was a natural disaster the circumstance within which it took place, the consequences of the structural racism can not be ignored. Yet they were ignored as were the multiple warning by scholars, engineers and the army about the faulty construction of cities crucial anti flood constructs. Both metaphorically and literally a blind eye was turned to the protection of the city and its black population. A second wave reconstruction is in order. One that reconstructs the city physically and realizes the challenges of this unique city on a sociological level.
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Citizen Journalism at its best....
Blogs present a unique venue for circulating information, news, and opinions. Those who contribute to them are sometimes called “Citizen Journalists.” Renowned blogger Yoani Sanchez states that “Citizen Journalists are individuals, without any particular professional training, who live in the epicenter of events.”
To further this idea, Rettberg in his book Blogging lays out three ways as to how blogging can be comparable to traditional forms of journalism. Firstly, it provides a first hand perspective on the events being reported on. This point is often times espoused as a crucial advantage to blogging. By providing first hand information, the blog/blogger has an edge over processed information and news. Additionally, the inherent bias is often times transparent, something that does not elude consumers. Secondly, the quality and frequency of blogs can often times exceed that of traditional news sources. Not to mention, this often comes with additional advantages such as the case with filter blogs and those with an interactive advantage.
Yoani Sanchez’s blog Generacion Y is what Rettberg describes as “The more moving and influential blogs… usually those where the blogger is a participant in the ongoing events” Yoani Sanchez provides a candid first hand experience of the political and social on goings in present day
However, for all those advantages there must come disadvantages (see in class presentation on White Privilege). Blogs may not always offer legitimate and authentic information. Because of a lack of checks and balances coupled with a possible anonymity, blogs may become autonomous sources of questionable material. In a situation such as Yoani Sanchez’s blog Generacion Y, the sensitive political situation might not enable her to be as open as she would like. Additionally, there are limitations as to how valid and reliable one person’s depiction is when speaking about a whole nation. Albeit, the advantages in this case heavily overrule the limitations. Blogs who have amassed followings now have a substantial voice in the media. Blogging has entered the acceptable range of journalism, news, and information sharing. Blogging is here to stay!
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Blogging is a Bitch
While papers, standardized tests, and open format essay questions are the usual pain associated with school... This constant blogging update is taking a toll on my sanity. I sit here at blogger.com and stare blankly at the screen, whilst thinking about what is it exactly that people want to read. Is it my mundane daily thoughts? an interpretation of tonight episode of Dexter (it rocked), or my constant musings on the deathly process of grad. school applications.
And as I quickly come to the conclusion that it is actually none of those things, my crackberry vibrates with the signal of more assignments due.
This blog will inevitably bring down my grade in this class in addition to boring the inundated classmates who must think these same thoughts while looking at the blank screen of blogger.com.
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Trading Down (Up)
That time came soon enough, when I decided to spend a semester away from the everyday pressure of school, work, and a relationship. I took the savings, quit the job and jumped a plane to the czech republic. Europe changed my perception of life and responsibilities. Additionally, I left my comfort zone of the nightlife scene and was forced to form a new identity. All of this was fine and dandy and somewhat poetic in a way... But as now as a senior, applying to grad school, and lacking any kind of job. I sure as hell miss those giant wads of cash.
This picture illustrates the primary responsibility of the job. The other responsibility was the drinking the finished product.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
A thin line
These kind of situations are never black and white in terms of answers. They are many shades of grey...and it is in the grey that the boundaries get lost.
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Relics from Prague
And edge away the writing in the sand
The water, luke warm and opaque
With a smattering of shells
That turn in the august tide
Spanish children run in oversized t shirts
As old round Russians discuss the meaning of life
Which can be summarized in sasha’s new business
And pasha’s new house.
Look across to the lego blocks
So perfectly arranged in perfect disarray
Travel down a winding road that borders water on the left
Eight, Seven, Six, Five…
Driving through streets, that are implanted in my memory
in a micro chip that has no chance of dislodging
The words, the sounds, the personalities
Ingrained in the surroundings
Flooding over me and filling everything
With the desire for unfamiliarity with the familiar
Words exchanged and common histories shared
Engulf me and sweep newborn memories
Under the rush of a wave that smells oddly
Like the salty sea, semichki and the skyline.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Looking Back...
I picked B! I felt that by looking back at these old posts, I had something to gain. If I erased them, it would be as if they held no significance, when in fact they do. So read them, enjoy them, and hope you get as much of a kick as I did.
The Moral of the story: It's important to look back in order to really see where your going
Now, onto bigger and better things- What will I be talking about?
It'll be a quasi diary, quasi rant, quasi filter blog, and quasi anything else I determine I would like to write about.
Something's about myself: I'm a graduating senior who is applying to Clinical psychology Ph.d programs at the beginning of December. This has been stressing me out beyond belief. In addition, I'm currently doing research on marijuana perceptions and attitudes concerning it's use. I'm a liberal, I'm pro marijuana legalization and pro gay marriage. I like the color blue. I'm a sociology minor and I secretly wish I was an comedic actress. I think that a basic requirement of security guards is that they be on a constant power trip.
So Turn on, Tune in and Drop out kids...